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So. Deerfield, July 6, 1841.

MR. EDITOR- Will you allow me to report the doings of the Sabbath School in this place on the day of the National Independence?

It was resolved that we should 'build booths' and spread a table underneath; and a spacious bower was accordingly erected, and a table spread to a rural but tasteful style, (thanks to the Ladies,) whereon were sundry loaves of rich cake and pitchers full of lemonade, &c. After hearing a short Address from Mr. Richards, the party adjourned from the Meeting-house to the bower where, notwithstanding a little rain that disturbed us a few minutes, we enjoyed a temperance feast, and uttered our feelings in songs and sentiments. Of the latter, the following are a part.

Sir Robert Raikes, the founder of the Sabbath Schools- may his name ever have a place among our most hallowed associations.

Temperance, Sabbath Schools, and the Hope that maketh not ashamed- what God hath untied let not man presume to sunder.

Our Puritan mothers- we feel their influence yet in the domestic circle and see it in the acts of their sons in the broad arena of public life. Let us study and imitate their pious example.

The mother of Washington- where and how was her influence felt? At home or in the public arena! Let the acts of her son answer.

Our late President- may the sentiments he expressed to his gardener while trailing the grape-vines, become universal, till Sabbath Schools constitute the only army for our nation's defence.

Female influence- indispensible in combining, sustaining, and consummating human happiness.

Temperance-may be reformed be sustained and cheered onward by a healthy public sentiment.

American Liberty marred by Slavery- let us nail the colors to the mast and never give up the ship until liberty is proclaimed 'throughout all the land.'

Romanism- may God preserve the far and fair West from its grasp.

The Sabbath traveler- cruel to his horse, cruel to society and cruel to his own soul: may the Lord convert him.

Sabbath nails- that government is corrupt which lords it over the Sabbath.

Powder- better used in blasting rocks than in celebrating Independence: stand back, artillerymen, and let Sabbath Schools try.

Moderate drinkers- we recommend to them the Welchman's warning. 'He that take coot treet's the better-af.'

The Press- easy enough to fall in love without its help: may we have more instruction and less nonsense.

Our Irish brethren- may they flock around the standard of temperance, thicker, and faster and more of 'em.

Yours, R. M. W.


(c) Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, Deerfield MA. All rights reserved.
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Many types of social reform movements took shape in the first half of the 19th century. These included religious revivals, temperance, missionary and anti-slavery societies. The Sabbath School in South Deerfield, Massachusetts, held a celebration on July 4, 1841. It included the singing of songs and a series of toasts to temperance, George Washington, anti-slavery and anti-Catholicism, as well others. The Gazette & Courier was the newspaper in Greenfield, Massachusetts, from July 20, 1841 until June 24, 1932. Before 1841 the newspaper's name changed quite frequently, with Gazette a frequent part of the title.


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"Mr. Editor" article for the Gazette and Courier newspaper on the doings of the Sabbath school in South Deerfield for July 4th

publisher   Greenfield Gazette and Courier
date   Jul 27, 1841
location   Greenfield, Massachusetts
width   2.5"
height   9.25"
process/materials   printed paper, ink
item type   Periodicals/Newspaper
accession #   #L05.071

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See Also...

"Temperance in Schools" article from Gazette and Mercury newspaper

Toasts for Independence

"Temperance and Abolition Celebration at North Leverett" article from the Gazette and Courier newspaper

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