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A case of individual suffering occurred in the expedition led by Capt. Turner, which deserves notice. Mr. Jonathan Wells of Hatfield, one of the twenty who remained in the rear when Turner began his march from the Falls, soon after mounting his horse, received a shot in one of his thighs, which had previously been fractured and badly healed, and another shot wounded his horse. With much difficulty he kept his saddle, and after several narrow escapes, joined the main body just at the time it separated into several parties, as has been related. Attaching himself to one that was making towards the swamp, on the left, and perceiving the enemy in that direction, he altered his route and joined another party flying in a different direction. Unable to keep up with the party, he was soon left alone, and not long after fell in with one Jones, who was also wounded. The woods being thick and the day cloudy, they soon got bewildered, and Wells lost his companion, and after wandering in various directions, accidentally struck Green River, and proceeding up the stream, arrived at a place since called the Country Farms, in the northerly part of Greenfield. Passing the river and attempting to ascend an abrupt hill, bordering the interval west, he fell from his horse exhausted. After lying senseless some time, he revived and found his faithful animal standing by him. Making him fast to a tree, he again lay himself down to rest, but finding that he should not be able to remount, the turned the horse loose, and making use of his gun as a crutch hobbled up the river, directly opposite the course he ought to have taken. His progress was slow and painful, and being much annoyed by mosquitos, towards night he struck up a fire, which soon spread in all directions, and with some difficulty he avoided the flames. Now new fears arose; the fire, he conjectured, might guide the Indians to the spot, and he would be sacrificed to their fury. Under these impressions, he divested himself of his ammunition, that it might not fall into their hands, bound up his thigh with a handkerchief, staunched the blood, and composing himself as much as possible, soon fell into a sleep. A dream suggesting to him that he was travelling from, instead of to Hatfield, he reversed his course, and through time brought up at the upper part of Greenfield, and soon found a foot path which led him to the trail of his retreating comrades. This he pursued to Deerfield River, which, with much difficulty, he forded by the aid of his gun. Ascending the bank he laid himself down to rest, and being overcome with fatigue, he fell asleep, but soon waking he discovered an Indian making toward him in a canoe. Unable to flee, and finding his situation desperate, he presented his gun, then wet and filled with sand and gravel, as if in the act of firing. The Indian, leaving his own gun, instantly leaped from his canoe into the water, escaped to the opposite shore and disappeared. Wells now concluded he should by others who he knew were but a short distance down the river, but determining if possible to elude them, he gained an adjacent swamp, and secreted himself under a pile of drift wood. The Indians were soon heard in search of of him, traversing the swamp in all directions, and passing over the drift wood; but lying close, he fortunately avoided discovery, and after they had given up the search and left the place, he continued his painful march through Deerfield meadows. Hunger now began to prey upon him, and looking about he accidently discovered

(c) Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, Deerfield MA. All rights reserved.
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This booklet is reprinted from material in the local Turner's Falls newspaper, The Turners Falls Reporter, which first appeared during the months of January and February 1875. The series of sketches includes this account of the attack on the Indian settlement, near the present town of Turner's Falls, on May 19, 1676. Capt. William Turner led a group of more than 100 men to the Indian encampment in a surprise attack. It was estimated that between 300 and 400 Natives, including many women and children, were killed. Forty-one colonists were killed, including Captain Turner.


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"Peske-ompsk-ut; or, The Falls Fight"

publisher   Turners Falls Reporter
date   1875
location   Turners Falls, Massachusetts
height   8.5"
width   6.0"
process/materials   printed paper, ink
item type   Books/Booklet
accession #   #L98.025

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See Also...

"Turners Falls"

"Soldiers in King Philip's War..."

"History of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts"

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